File this one in the category of DOA.
Hasbro has owned the URL game.com since the beginning of the Cybernet. The time finally came to put the name to work, and as such, contracted Marlin to develop a mark that would lead the brand launch.
The assignment guidelines dictated a logo that was fun (but not goofy), colorful (but not loud), youthful (but appealing to adults). Kind of like the kitchen sink. After several rounds, the Big Tuna, Matt Rose, and myself put together several ideas to hang on a shingle.
Here’s an incomplete sampling of what we presented:
We ended up with the logo at the top of this post. It has a digital kick without being too video game-goofy. The coloring is bright, but the candy-like quality helps it feel more of a form factor than a two-dimensional pastelly Easter egg-like mark.
The logo was approved and ready to ship off to Hasbro’s contracted web firm. We waited anxiously for the go ahead.
We waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.
And then...
They killed the whole project.