
High Five

I ran across this amongst the Tumblrs quite awhile ago. I have no idea who drafted this clever little cartoon, but the simple juxtaposition is splendid.

UPDATE: Thanks to an anonymous commenter who let me know this is from the New Yorker.


Black Velvet Magic

Before reading  this post, I recommend cueing up Martin Denny in Pandora and then give this a look…

I came across these black velvet paintings and had to post them. Robb Hamel reinvents the scholcky black velvet medium as anything but schlock.

Here's what the artist says about the paintings:

“…my work is based on a range of values (levels of brightness) that have a certain effect on the human psyche, especially with respect to the sense of mood. Translation: my paintings are not the screamingly bright things that people have come to expect from todays art. One reviewer described them as "brooding" - this is my exact intent.”

Mahalo nui loa.

Via Boing Boing

Bad Ideas: The Skircle

File this one under, “Ideas I”m glad never occurred to me.”

Via The Skateboard Mag.


The Tweets

I’m a sucker for old film posters. So much so, I'd love to bedazzle my pad with ’em. But lack of time, energy, attention span…

I also love mashups.

Just get a load of these Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds themed posters reflecting social media's impact on the Arab Spring.

Marcel Paris put these together for France’s Channel 24.

Via I Believe in Advertising.



I spotted this advertisement for Braun’s Multistyler several weeks ago and thought it was delightful. And just when I was burned on everything emoticon.



Way, way back in the day, my best friend Todd Irvine and I would break into his hippy-parent’s record collection and lay the needle down on a Frank Zappa collection of misfit music, Zapped. By far our favorite cut was Wild Man Fischer’s Merry Go Round, which, I've got here for you to listen to and share with the kids.

Click to have a listen.


The Design Process

I fell upon this while exploring the Interwilds. I have no idea who to credit (if it’s you, let me know so that I may give credit where credit is due).

So often the process starts with step four and jumps immediately to step seven.


Nobody will ever convince me that doing more poorly is better than doing less well.

If you'd like this to hang above your drafting table, Click here.


Print Cart

Just take a look at this fantastic print cart.

Back in the day I used to screen decks at a little indie Skateboard company, first in in Los Osos, then in San Luis Obispo, California. At Smallroom we built our own silkscreen print carts, drying racks and mini halfpipe to complete the scene.

Recently, I stumbled across a blog post from back in 2010 on Printeresting about a poster exhibition called Printervention. The show’s theme is around the styling and substance of the posters from the WPA and feature contemporary artist’s work that reflect current social and political grumblings.

The print cart was put together by Mike Slaterry and details of the cart and highlights from the show can be seen on their Flickr pool.

Hey Mike Slattery (whoever you are), wanna find a new home for your cart? Drop me a line.


Smallroom Skateboards Card

A very long time ago on the Central Coast of California their lived a micro-skateboard company called Smallroom. That's where myself and my wife Betsy worked alongside Louis Carlton. We screened boards, went to school and skated into the salty-aired coastal nights. Sigh.

Just take a look at this business card Louis put together in the ’zine style he was infamous for. Nowadays, I think Louis is working as an art director for Merrell over in Portland, U.S.A.